The Bald Explorer

An 'Explorer' with a yearn for knowledge...

Richard Vobes

The Bald Explorer is a series of travel and history videos, produced in television style. The films look at fascinating places and events in British history and asks 'What's it all about? What happened here? Why is this important?' Everywhere has a story and very often we overlook it or take them for granted. A new collection of DVD's are coming soon for you to purchase.

My name is Richard Vobes and I am exploring life and this is my journey. I am interested in history, not any particular period, just a smidgen of everything. I am no expert, just an enthusiast. You are welcome to come along with me and discover things on the way. If like me you often stand in awe in front of a 16th century timber framed house and wonder who lived there, what was their story and how did it end, then this site is for you.

I am a podcaster and film maker. I love to record my findings on audio or shoot and produce video productions. I enjoy speaking to people that know more than I and ask them to chat into my microphone or video camera as I ask my abundance of questions.