This is the second of the series that has Richard Vobes dashing about the UK in search of myths and legends, history and architecture as he discovers all that is good about the country he loves.
In this episode, the Bald Explorer is in Shropshire finding out the pitfalls and perils of taking a journey a few hundred years ago. He visits the Lion Hotel in Shrewsbury to discover what the coaching life was like. A trip to Lord Hill's Column gives him a wonderful view of the old London to Hollyhead road and at Myddle Farm he investigates the ruined castle and wonders who was the highway man, Humphrey Kynaston who once lived in a cave?
The Bald Explorer Episode One.
Richard Vobes is the Bald Explorer. He is traveling England with his Eriba Puck seeking out the history, customs and traditions of the country. This is the pilot episode, produced to test the concept for a potential series, either on the web or on TV. Lewes is the quaint county town that was once the hub of East Sussex. It was the site of the battle of Lewes and a place where Protestant Martyrs were burned at the stake during the reign of Queen Mary. Follow the exploits of this enthusiastic explorer as he uncovers the interesting stories of these picturesque locations in merry England.
The Earliest Monuments
England is littered with the remains of man from the early history. Richard Vobes is off to discover the first of the monuments left on this land by them and who were the early plunderers of their tombs and burial mounds. The exploration takes him to Wiltshire to one of the most famous burial grounds in Britain, the West Kennet Long Barrow. With stunning photography and inventive computer graphics this short documentary proves to be the start of series of films looking at English history and cutlure.
Exploring Sussex Tollgates
Before the Turnpike Trusts of the 17th century the roads were dreadful, barely more than simple tracks. When the tolls came into being things took a lot longer to improve. Richard Vobes goes off in this short documentary to find some of the Sussex Toll Houses that once graced the roads and were responsible for collecting the money to improve the roads.
Stopham Bridge Explored
The River Arun in West Sussex has a number of interesting bridges over them. Richard Vobes is looking for a particularly old one close to the village of Stopham. Join him is this exploration as he tries to find it.
Exploring Racton Folly
Racton Monument lies close to the village of Funtington in West Sussex, on the Stansted Estate in Hampshire. Richard Vobes goes off to investigate this mysterious ediface often called Stansted Castle or Racton Tower.
Chanctonbury Ring Explored..
There is an Ironage Hillfort on the top of Chanctonbury Hill in West Sussex. It has been hidden away by a distinctive ring of beach trees for the last 200 years. I go on a walk to find out more about the hill fort, who planted the famous trees and where the Romans had some of their roads in the vacinity.
The City of Exeter Explored..
I love old market towns and in this short video I am in Exeter in Devon. I am enthralled by the wonderful Roman Wall that circumnavigated the town and the old bridge that no longer has the River flowing underneath it anymore. And what is this curious timber framed house that the locals refer to as the House That Moved?